Solving the SQL Murder Mystery
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I saw this SQL Murder Mystery appear on Hacker News recently, thought it sounded fun, and figured I’d do a quick write-up of how I worked through it.
If you want to follow along, go ahead and download the SQLite database
(which is copyright NUKnightLab and redistributed here under the MIT
license). You’ll need some kind of SQLite client to interact with it (I
just used the sqlite3
CLI tool).
In addition to the database, it’s very helpful to start with a prompt:
A crime has taken place and the detective needs your help. The detective gave you the crime scene report, but you somehow lost it. You vaguely remember that the crime was a murder that occurred sometime on Jan. 15, 2018 and that it took place in SQL City. Start by retrieving the corresponding crime scene report from the police department’s database. If you want to get the most out of this mystery, try to work through it only using your SQL environment and refrain from using a notepad.
Let’s start by seeing what tables are available. The sqlite3
CLI uses
meta-commands that start with a dot, like this:
sqlite> .tables
crime_scene_report get_fit_now_check_in interview
drivers_license get_fit_now_member person
facebook_event_checkin income solution
Okay, let’s start with finding our crime scene report. First, we’ll need to know
what the data looks like. We can learn about this with the .schema
sqlite> .schema crime_scene_report
CREATE TABLE crime_scene_report (
date integer,
type text,
description text,
city text
Okay, seems pretty straightforward. The only thing I’m not quite sure about is how the date is being represented -- it’s just stored as an integer. A UNIX timestamp perhaps? Let’s sample the data:
sqlite> select date from crime_scene_report limit 5;
date |
20180115 |
20180115 |
20180115 |
20180215 |
20180215 |
Okay, seems it’s just being stored as YYYYMMDD. Let’s take a crack at finding the crime scene report! We know the type (murder) and the city (SQL City). Let’s be generous with the date and assume it was sometime in January of 2018:
sqlite> select * from crime_scene_report
...> where type = 'murder'
...> and city = 'SQL City'
...> and date between 20180101 and 20180131;
date | type | description | city |
20180115 | murder | Security footage shows that there were 2 witnesses. The first witness lives at the last house on "Northwestern Dr". The second witness, named Annabel, lives somewhere on "Franklin Ave". | SQL City |
Great, there’s only one row that matches our broad date criteria! Let’s see if we can track down these witnesses. First, let’s see how the data we need is structured:
sqlite> .schema person
id integer PRIMARY KEY,
name text,
license_id integer,
address_number integer,
address_street_name text,
ssn integer,
FOREIGN KEY (license_id) REFERENCES drivers_license(id)
sqlite> .schema interview
CREATE TABLE interview (
person_id integer,
transcript text,
FOREIGN KEY (person_id) REFERENCES person(id)
Okay, so we need to find the two rows in the person table, and then use their ids to cross reference their interview text. This is “the big idea” with relational databases, joining data in several tables based on something they have in common.
We’ll start with the witness who lives on Northwestern Drive. We know that they live in “the last house,” which presumably has the highest house number on that street. We can easily find this by first filtering for only people who live on Northwestern Drive, then ordering those results by house number in descending order, and only showing the first result:
sqlite> select * from person
...> where address_street_name = 'Northwestern Dr'
...> order by address_number desc
...> limit 1;
id | name | license_id | address_number | address_street_name | ssn |
14887 | Morty Schapiro | 118009 | 4919 | Northwestern Dr | 111564949 |
Great! Now let’s find Annabel. We can use SQL’s LIKE
operator to match a
partial name, along with the name of their street:
sqlite> select * from person
...> where name like 'Annabel%'
...> and address_street_name = 'Franklin Ave';
id | name | license_id | address_number | address_street_name | ssn |
16371 | Annabel Miller | 490173 | 103 | Franklin Ave | 318771143 |
Okay, so we’ve got our person IDs: 14887
and 16371
. I think we’re going to
want these IDs in a bunch of upcoming queries, so let’s help our future selves
out by saving their IDs as parameters (a sort of temporary variable):
sqlite> .parameter set $MORTY 14887
sqlite> .parameter set $ANNABEL 16371
Let’s grab their interviews. To do this, we’ll put joins to use for the first
time so we can show their name rather than just their person ID. We’re selecting
records from the interview
table, but joining matching records from the
table, using the person_id
column to match up the people.
sqlite> select, interview.transcript
...> from interview
...> join person on = interview.person_id
...> where person_id in ($MORTY, $ANNABEL);
name | transcript |
Morty Schapiro | I heard a gunshot and then saw a man run out. He had a "Get Fit Now Gym" bag. The membership number on the bag started with "48Z". Only gold members have those bags. The man got into a car with a plate that included "H42W". |
Annabel Miller | I saw the murder happen, and I recognized the killer from my gym when I was working out last week on January the 9th. |
Okay, we’ve got tons of info now! Since the car and bag might not belong to the killer, I think our best lead for narrowing things down is to see all the people who crossed paths with Annabel at the gym on January 9th, 2018. Let’s see what those tables look like:
sqlite> .schema get_fit_now_check_in
CREATE TABLE get_fit_now_check_in (
membership_id text,
check_in_date integer,
check_in_time integer,
check_out_time integer,
FOREIGN KEY (membership_id) REFERENCES get_fit_now_member(id)
sqlite> .schema get_fit_now_member
CREATE TABLE get_fit_now_member (
id text PRIMARY KEY,
person_id integer,
name text,
membership_start_date integer,
membership_status text,
FOREIGN KEY (person_id) REFERENCES person(id)
Alright, time to look for some check-ins! We could do this in two separate
queries, one to find Annabel’s Get Fit Now member ID by using her person_id
and a second query to find her check-ins using her membership_id
, but we can
also use a sub-query to do this in one shot:
sqlite> select check_in_time, check_out_time
...> from get_fit_now_check_in
...> where date = 20180109
...> and membership_id = (
...> select id
...> from get_fit_now_member
...> where person_id = $ANNABEL);
check_in_time | check_out_time |
1600 | 1700 |
Looks like Annabel was at the gym from 4pm to 5pm on the 9th. Since we’re looking for someone who overlapped with Annabel at the gym, we’re looking for someone who arrived before 5pm and left after 4pm. Again, we’ll join some tables together here so we can grab their names and person IDs right away, not just their membership numbers:
sqlite> select,,,
...> get_fit_now_check_in.check_in_time,
...> get_fit_now_check_in.check_out_time
...> from get_fit_now_check_in
...> join get_fit_now_member on = membership_id
...> join person on = person_id
...> where check_in_date = 20180109
...> and check_in_time <= 1700 and check_out_time >= 1600;
id | name | id | check_in_time | check_out_time |
28819 | Joe Germuska | 48Z7A | 1600 | 1730 |
67318 | Jeremy Bowers | 48Z55 | 1530 | 1700 |
16371 | Annabel Miller | 90081 | 1600 | 1700 |
Interesting, there were only two other gym members who were checked in for a period overlapping with Annabel on the 9th. Let’s save their IDs as well:
sqlite> .parameter set $JOE 28819
sqlite> .parameter set $JEREMY 67318
Their member numbers both start with 48Z; let’s take a look at their vehicles,
presumably in the drivers_license
sqlite> .schema drivers_license
CREATE TABLE drivers_license (
id integer PRIMARY KEY,
age integer,
height integer,
eye_color text,
hair_color text,
gender text,
plate_number text,
car_make text,
car_model text
sqlite> select,, drivers_license.*
...> from person
...> join drivers_license on = person.license_id
...> where in ($JOE, $JEREMY);
id | name | id | age | height | eye_color | hair_color | gender | plate_number | car_make | car_model |
67318 | Jeremy Bowers | 423327 | 30 | 70 | brown | brown | male | 0H42W2 | Chevrolet | Spark LS |
So only Jeremy Bowers has a drivers license. And his car’s license plate does
contain H42W, so it looks like we’ve found the killer! According to the
instructions in the GitHub repository, we should insert our answer into the
table, then query it:
sqlite> insert into solution values (1, 'Jeremy Bowers');
sqlite> select value from solution;
value |
Congrats, you found the murderer! But wait, there's more... If you think you're up for a challenge, try querying the interview transcript of the murderer to find the real villian behind this crime. If you feel especially confident in your SQL skills, try to complete this final step with no more than 2 queries. |
Aha! We did correctly identify Jeremy Bowers. Let’s see if we can connect the dots to find the mastermind! First, we’ll grab the killer’s (Jeremy’s) interview transcript:
sqlite> select transcript from interview where person_id = $JEREMY;
transcript |
I was hired by a woman with a lot of money. I don't know her name but I know she's around 5'5" (65") or 5'7" (67"). She has red hair and she drives a Tesla Model S. I know that she attended the SQL Symphony Concert 3 times in December 2017. |
Alright, there goes one query... one more to make it count! We’re going to be correlating data from a bunch of tables here: person, income (related by SSN, probably as a sort criterion since we don’t have an exact figure to work with), we can grab height, hair color, gender, and car make/model from the drivers licenses. It’s a bit of a risk to filter by Facebook checkins to the SQL Symphony, since we don’t know that she checked in at all, but maybe we can include the count of the number of times there was a check-in at the symphony during December. Let’s get a reminder of what these tables look like:
sqlite> .schema person
id integer PRIMARY KEY,
name text,
license_id integer,
address_number integer,
address_street_name text,
ssn integer,
FOREIGN KEY (license_id) REFERENCES drivers_license(id)
sqlite> .schema income
ssn integer PRIMARY KEY,
annual_income integer
sqlite> .schema facebook_event_checkin
CREATE TABLE facebook_event_checkin (
person_id integer,
event_id integer,
event_name text,
date integer,
FOREIGN KEY (person_id) REFERENCES person(id)
sqlite> .schema drivers_license
CREATE TABLE drivers_license (
id integer PRIMARY KEY,
age integer,
height integer,
eye_color text,
hair_color text,
gender text,
plate_number text,
car_make text,
car_model text
And assemble our final mega-query!
sqlite> select,, i.annual_income, dl.height, dl.hair_color,
...> dl.gender, dl.car_make, dl.car_model, (
...> select count(*)
...> from facebook_event_checkin
...> where person_id =
...> and event_name like '%symphony%'
...> and date between 20171201 and 20171231) as num_symphonies
...> from person p
...> join income i on i.ssn = p.ssn
...> join drivers_license dl on = p.license_id
...> where dl.height between 64 and 68
...> and dl.hair_color like '%red%'
...> and car_make like '%tesla%'
...> and car_model like '%s%'
...> order by i.annual_income desc;
id | name | annual_income | height | hair_color | gender | car_make | car_model | num_symphonies |
99716 | Miranda Priestly | 310000 | 66 | red | female | Tesla | Model S | 3 |
78881 | Red Korb | 278000 | 65 | red | female | Tesla | Model S | 0 |
Okay, so we actually got two results for red-haired people around 66" tall who make a lot of money and drive Tesla Model S’s. However, one of them attended the symphony three times in December (and makes even more money), so I think we’ve found the mastermind!
I didn’t include gender in the filter as I wasn’t sure how the data looked, and I technically would’ve needed an additional query to discover that.
sqlite> insert into solution values (1, 'Miranda Priestly');
sqlite> select value from solution;
value |
Congrats, you found the brains behind the murder! Everyone in SQL City hails you as the greatest SQL detective of all time. Time to break out the champagne! |
Hooray! I had a lot of fun playing through this, and would love to do another similar puzzle again sometime.